Luxury Jewelry

"If there is any one

secret of success,

it lies in the ability

to get the other

person's point of

view and see things

from that person's

angle as well

as from your own."

Henry Ford

Services List

  • Recipe Formulaiton & Evaluation
  • Product Nutritional Calculations
  • Financial/Cost Analysis
  • Brand Positioning & Markteing Support
  • Sales & Brokerage Support
  • Strategic Top Line Revenue Generation Planning
  • HACCP/GMP Food Saftey Program Analyisis and Implemntation
  • Hemp Product Formulations
  • Hemp Cigarette Processing Consulting
  • Lean Production Evaluations
  • E-commerce App Development
  • Social Media Management
  • Food & Beverage Menu Design
  • Event Management
  • Product Photography & Video Creation
  • Executive Team Mentorship

Featured Services

  • business revenue generation:

    Do you have a plan to grow? What is it? How do you get there? How much capital do you need? Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt. We can help you understand your full potential. From cost savings to product development, We can help you grow topline sales and profits.

  • Project Management:

    Running your daily operation can consume all your time. We can manage the product development or launch for you. I can also identify key personnel for your operation to take it to the next level. We can help you see "the forest through the trees" and stay on time on target to generate revenue.

  • Business Analysis:

    We can help you define what the opportunities are in your business and then using TQM principles guide you to make all the decisions with the best facts. Keeping it "REAL" and fact based to find "win-win" for your overall business success.

  • Brand Management & marketing

    What it looks like is just as important as what it tastes like. How are you engaging consumers to build brand loyalty? We can help you build campaigns to engage and build customer loyalty. We will give you the most current technology out there to reach consumers.

Our Method: L.E.A.P.

  • Learn: vision & goals


    What is your vision? What are your goals? What are the opportunities that are stopping you from making it all happen. Using Quality Sciences, Where are the mistakes, re-work, breakdowns, inefficiencies and variances in your operation? We will work to help you identify the opportunities in your business.

  • Explore: Brainstorm and Plan


    After your business's core competencies are identified and your key margin drivers are identified its time to develop the "Master Plan". Product, marketing strategy, and desired outcome will be set. Conceptual prototypes will be assembled and evaluated. Consumer feedback will be collected and analyzed.

  • Action: implement and train


    Implementing the "Plan" is a daunting project management task. We can give you the tools to the stay on track with who, what and when things need to get done. On time on target means productivity and productivity means revenue and profit. We can manage or assist your team in the implementation.

  • Performance Measurement:


    Once our "Plan" is implemented and up and running it is important for real time measurement and analysis of the data. Daily metrics will be reviewed and Key Performance Indicators monitored to reach our goals. We can help you develop the scorecard for the KPI's to we have timely and accurate metrics.